Additive manufacturing integration with topology optimization methodology for innovative product design
2017-01-01 Primo, Teresa; Calabrese, Maurizio; Del Prete, Antonio; Anglani, Alfredo
Al-Si10-Mg Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting: Microstructure Sensitivity to Close Values of the Heat Input
2023-01-01 Leo, Paola; DEL PRETE, Antonio; Primo, Teresa; Nacucchi, Michele
Bending Testing Rig Development through CAE Tools Application
2012-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Papadia, Gabriele; Primo, Teresa
Blank Shape Optimization In Sheet Hydroforming Process
2013-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Papadia, Gabriele; Primo, Teresa; Schipa, Silvia
CAE tools as valid opportunity to improve quality control systems performances for sheet metal formed components
2008-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Primo, Teresa; Elia, Alfredo
Computer aided modelling of stretch forming of titanium alloy aeronautical panel
2011-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Papadia, Gabriele; Primo, Teresa
Computer aided modelling of tangential stretch forming of titanium alloy aeronautical panels
2011-01-01 Del Prete, A.; Primo, T.; Papadia, G.
Computer Aided Simulation as valid tool for sheet hydroforming process development
2008-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Anglani, Alfredo; Primo, Teresa; Spagnolo, Alessandro
Design for Manufacturing for energy absorbing systems
2011-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Primo, Teresa; Papadia, Gabriele; Manisi, Barbara
Development of a non conventional bulging test through numerical simulation
2010-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Primo, Teresa; Anglani, Alfredo
Development of accurate numerical models for bending of aluminum tailored blanks
2013-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Papadia, Gabriele; Primo, Teresa; Mariano, Emilia
Feasibility evaluation of sheet metal hydroformed components through shape factors usage
2009-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Papadia, Gabriele; Primo, Teresa; Manisi, Barbara
Feasibility Evaluation of Sheet Metal Hydroformed ComponentsThrough Shape Factors Application
2009-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Primo, Teresa; Papadia, Gabriele; Manisi, Barbara
Finite Element Simulation for Sheet Warm Hydroforming
2011-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Papadia, Gabriele; DE VITIS, ANTONIO ALBERTO; Primo, Teresa
Improvement of Sheet Metal Hydroforming simulation reliability
2007-01-01 Anglani, Alfredo; DEL PRETE, Antonio; Primo, Teresa
Innovative methodology for the identification of the most suitable additive technology based on product characteristics
2021-01-01 Del Prete, A.; Primo, T.
Innovative Training on Additive Manufacturing: AMTE@CH Learning Experience
2023-01-01 Longo, Antonella; Calabrese, Maurizio; Primo, Teresa; Lucia De Marco, Elisabetta
Inverse flow stress characterization in hot rolling
2024-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Primo, Teresa
Lattice structures integration with conventional topology optimization
2017-01-01 Calabrese, M.; Primo, T.; Del Prete, A.
Localized Warming of sheet metal parts for reduction of springback
2008-01-01 DEL PRETE, Antonio; Mentella, A; Strano, M; Primo, Teresa