During the last decade the Italian local governments have become more interested in giving greater attention toward external accountability. This has given rise to the introduction of reporting tools aimed at satisfying citizens’ information needs. This article analyzes the model of Popular Reporting adopted by the City of Milan in comparison with that of the City of Memphis. The objective of the article is to verify if the structure and contents in the City of Milan report are suitable to transmit technical information to non technical readers, i.e. the citizens. Although the authors of the article consider the Milan experience positive, they do suggest the definition of a specific structure for the document, the involvement of the citizens for the writing up of some part of the document and the drawing up of the Citizen’ Report at the end of each fiscal year. ˆIn ultima decad˘a autorit˘at¸ile publice locale au devenit mai interesate ˆın a-¸si ˆındrepta atent¸ia spre responsabilitatea extern˘a. Acest interes a dus la o cre¸stere a interesului pentru mijloace de raportare care au ca obiectiv satisfacerea nevoilor de informare ale cet˘at¸enilor. Acest articol analizeaz˘a modelul de raportare c˘atre populat¸ie adoptat de ora¸sul Milano ˆın comparat¸ie cu cel oferit de ora¸sul Memphis. Obiectivul articolului este de a se verifica dac˘a structura ¸si cont¸inutul raportului sunt adecvate transmiterii de informat¸ii pentru cititorii nespeciali¸sti mai exact c˘atre cet˘at¸eni. De¸si autorii consider˘a experient¸a ora¸sului Milano ca fiind pozitiv˘a, ei sugereaz˘a definirea unor structuri specifice a documentului, implicarea cet˘at¸enilor ˆın scrierea unei p˘art¸i a documentului ¸si elaborarea unui Raport al Cet˘at¸enilor la sfˆarsitul fiec˘arui an fiscal.
The citizens reporting: a comparison of Italy and USA. Raportarea către cetăţeni: studiul comparativ Italia Şi Sua
During the last decade the Italian local governments have become more interested in giving greater attention toward external accountability. This has given rise to the introduction of reporting tools aimed at satisfying citizens’ information needs. This article analyzes the model of Popular Reporting adopted by the City of Milan in comparison with that of the City of Memphis. The objective of the article is to verify if the structure and contents in the City of Milan report are suitable to transmit technical information to non technical readers, i.e. the citizens. Although the authors of the article consider the Milan experience positive, they do suggest the definition of a specific structure for the document, the involvement of the citizens for the writing up of some part of the document and the drawing up of the Citizen’ Report at the end of each fiscal year. ˆIn ultima decad˘a autorit˘at¸ile publice locale au devenit mai interesate ˆın a-¸si ˆındrepta atent¸ia spre responsabilitatea extern˘a. Acest interes a dus la o cre¸stere a interesului pentru mijloace de raportare care au ca obiectiv satisfacerea nevoilor de informare ale cet˘at¸enilor. Acest articol analizeaz˘a modelul de raportare c˘atre populat¸ie adoptat de ora¸sul Milano ˆın comparat¸ie cu cel oferit de ora¸sul Memphis. Obiectivul articolului este de a se verifica dac˘a structura ¸si cont¸inutul raportului sunt adecvate transmiterii de informat¸ii pentru cititorii nespeciali¸sti mai exact c˘atre cet˘at¸eni. De¸si autorii consider˘a experient¸a ora¸sului Milano ca fiind pozitiv˘a, ei sugereaz˘a definirea unor structuri specifice a documentului, implicarea cet˘at¸enilor ˆın scrierea unei p˘art¸i a documentului ¸si elaborarea unui Raport al Cet˘at¸enilor la sfˆarsitul fiec˘arui an fiscal.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.