LICCIANO, Margherita
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.406
NA - Nord America 1.403
AS - Asia 861
AF - Africa 63
SA - Sud America 18
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 5.752
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.398
IT - Italia 1.321
IE - Irlanda 1.301
HK - Hong Kong 405
SE - Svezia 348
UA - Ucraina 254
SG - Singapore 191
IN - India 153
CN - Cina 83
FI - Finlandia 80
SN - Senegal 60
DE - Germania 31
BE - Belgio 18
BR - Brasile 18
JP - Giappone 15
FR - Francia 11
GB - Regno Unito 11
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
RU - Federazione Russa 5
CA - Canada 4
KR - Corea 4
NL - Olanda 4
MT - Malta 3
TR - Turchia 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
CH - Svizzera 2
ES - Italia 2
IR - Iran 2
EU - Europa 1
GA - Gabon 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
MA - Marocco 1
MX - Messico 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PH - Filippine 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RS - Serbia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 5.752
Città #
Dublin 1.299
Lecce 1.172
Hong Kong 360
Chandler 235
Jacksonville 169
Wayanad 150
Singapore 116
Princeton 88
Des Moines 64
Dakar 60
New York 56
Central District 45
Ann Arbor 44
Wilmington 27
Ogden 25
Boardman 20
Brussels 18
West Jordan 17
Helsinki 15
Seelze 15
Tokyo 13
Ashburn 11
Brno 8
Falls Church 8
Rome 8
Los Angeles 7
Aradeo 6
Kent 6
Milan 6
Nanjing 6
Beijing 5
Catania 5
Falkenstein 5
Jinan 5
Auburn Hills 4
Bari 4
Munich 4
Norwalk 4
Tianjin 4
Turin 4
Bitetto 3
Bologna 3
Guangzhou 3
Haikou 3
Hangzhou 3
Houston 3
Lappeenranta 3
Palermo 3
San Ġwann 3
Taranto 3
Aizawl 2
Amsterdam 2
Changsha 2
Forest City 2
Giugliano in Campania 2
Grottaglie 2
Hanover 2
Kansas City 2
Kocaeli 2
Las Vegas 2
Lequile 2
London 2
Mountain View 2
Parma 2
Rio de Janeiro 2
San Pietro Vernotico 2
San Polo di Piave 2
Southampton 2
São Paulo 2
Tappahannock 2
Tours 2
Venice 2
Victoria 2
Washington 2
Araçuaí 1
Atlanta 1
Aveiro 1
Barletta 1
Bauru 1
Belgrade 1
Beregazzo con Figliaro 1
Brooklyn 1
Buffalo 1
Buggiano 1
Campi Bisenzio 1
Campinas 1
Campobasso 1
Castelvetrano 1
Cedar Knolls 1
Contagem 1
Cormeilles-en-Parisis 1
Cosmópolis 1
Council Bluffs 1
Edinburgh 1
Forlì 1
Fortaleza 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Fredericton 1
Granada 1
Hebei 1
Totale 4.222
Nome #
Rigenerazione e riproduzione asessuale nel ciclo vitale dei policheti 106
Evidence of antibacterial and lysozyme-like activity in different larval stages of Paracentrotus lividus 98
Description of Euchone anceps sp. nov. (Annelida: Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean Sea and Northeast Atlantic, with remarks on the difficulty of generic definition 95
La "rivoluzione cladistica" in tassonomia, nuovi strumenti ed implicazioni per gli ecologi. 94
Revision of Chone Kroyer, 1856 (Polychaeta : Sabellidae) from the eastern central Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea with descriptions of two new species 90
Utilization of the filter feeder polychaete Sabella spallanzanii Gmelin (Sabellidae) as bioremediator in aquaculture 90
Heavy metals in five Sabellidae species (Annelida, Polychaeta): ecological implications 90
The genus Novafabricia Fitzhugh, 1990 (Polychaeta : Sabellidae : Fabriciinae) along the Italian coast (Mediterranean Sea) with a description of N-posidoniae n. sp. 88
Accrescimento del polichete Sabella spallanzani (Annelida, Sabellidae) in un impianto di acquacoltura in-shore 87
Reproductive biology of Ophelia barquii (Annelida, Opheliidae) along the Salento Peninsula (Mediterranean Sea, South Italy) 86
Atypical reproduction in a syllid worm: the stolon of Syllis rosea (Annelida, Syllidae) takes care of its offspring 86
Polychaete assemblages of rocky shore along the South Adriatic coast (Mediterranean Sea). 82
Il muco di Sabella spallanzanii (Annelida, Polychaeta): una protezione chimica e meccanica 82
Sustainable use of coastal lagoons: integrated polyculture activity in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (southern Italy) 80
La collezione degli Anellidi Policheti del Museo di Biologia Marina “Pietro Parenzan”, Università del Salento 80
Processi rigenerativi negli anellidi policheti Sabella spallanzanii Gmelin e Branchiomma luctuosum Grube (Sabellidae) 79
Role of Myxicola infundibulum (Polychaeta, Annelida) mucus: From bacterial control to nutritional home site. 79
Utilization of the filter feeder polychaete Sabella 79
A collection of sabellidae (Polychaeta) from Carrie Bow Cay (Belize, western Caribbean Sea) with the description of two new species 78
Filtering activity on a pure culture of Vibrio alginolyticus by the solitary ascidian Styela plicata and the colonial ascidian Polyandrocarpa zorritensis: a potential service to improve microbiological seawater quality economically 78
The genus Branchiomma within the Mediterranean Sea with description of the new species B. maerli 77
Taxonomic structure and the effectiveness of surrogates in environmental monitoring: a lesson from polychaetes 77
Blue mussels-polychaetes-algae integrated polycolture: a pilote plan within Taranto area (Mediterranean Sea). 77
Larval development and post-larval growth of Branchiomma bairdi (Annelida: Sabellidae) from a Mediterranean population 77
Addition to the knowledge on Acromegalomma messapicum (Giangrande & Licciano, 2008) (Annelida: Sabellidae) 77
Capacità di accumulo microbiologico in Spongia officinalis var. adriatica (Schmidt) (Porifera, Demospongiae) 76
A study on spermatogenesis of three Mediterranean serpulid species 76
Filter-feeder macroinvertebrates as key players in bacterioplankton biodiversity control: a case of study with Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta: Sabellidae). 75
A new genus of Sabellidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Antarctica, with discussion of relationships among plesiomorphic genera within Sabellinae 74
Description of Chone usticensis sp nov (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean Sea 73
The diversity of diets in Syllidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) 73
Biodiversità del Mediterraneo: strumenti multimediali per l’identificazione e la creazione di Master List 73
The mucus of Sabella spallanzanii (Annelida, Polychaeta): Its involvement in chemical defence and fertilization success 73
Integrated multitrophic aquaculture by products with high added value: the polychaete Sabella spallanzanii and the seaweed Chaetomorpha linum as sources of fatty acids. 72
Microbiological accumulation by the Mediterranean invasive alien species Branchiomma bairdi (Annelida, Sabellidae): Potential tool for bioremediation 71
Sabella spallanzanii filter-feeding on bacterial community: Ecological implications and applications 71
Chemical and structural defensive external strategies in six sabellid worms (Annelida) 71
The Mediterranean non-indigenous ascidian Polyandrocarpa zorritensis: Microbiological accumulation capability and environmental implications 71
Clearance rates of Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum (Annelida: Polychaeta) on a pure culture of Vibrio alginolyticus 71
Polychaetes as environmental indicators revisited 70
Clearance rates of Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum (Annelida : Polychaeta) on a pure culture of Vibrio alginolyticus 69
Studio ultrastrutturale della spermatogenesi di Hydroides dianthus (Annelida Polychaeta) 69
Bacterial accumulation by Branchiomma luctuosum (Annelida : Polychaeta): A tool for biomonitoring marine systems and restoring polluted waters 68
Bioremediation of bacteria in aquaculture waste using the polychaete Sabella spallanzanii 68
Filtering activity of Spongia officinalis var. adriatica (Schmidt) (Porifera, Demospongiae) on bacterioplankton: Implications for bioremediation of polluted seawater 66
Factors influencing latitudinal pattern of biodiversity: an example using Sabellidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) 66
First insight on the mucus of the annelid myxicola infundibulum (polychaeta, sabellidae) as a potential prospect for drug discovery 66
Polychaete assemblages of rocky shore along the South Adriatic coast (Mediterranean Sea) 66
Gametogenesis and larval development in Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from Mediterranean Sea. 63
The genus Megalomma(Annelida: Sabellidae) in the Mediterraenan Sea, with description of two new species from Italian and Croatian coasts 62
A new genus of Sabellidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Antartica, with discussion of relationships among plesiomorphic genera within Sabellinae (Zootaxa (2009), 2226: 28-42) 62
Bacterial accumulation by Branchiomma luctuosum (Annelida: Polychaeta): A tool for biomonitoring marine systems and restoring polluted waters 62
An Innovative IMTA System: Polychaetes, Sponges and Macroalgae Co-Cultured in a Southern Italian In-Shore Mariculture Plant (Ionian Sea) 61
Revision of the species of Megalomma (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean Sea, with the description of M. messapicum n. sp 60
Polychaete assemblages of rocky shore along the South Adriatic coast (Mediterranean Sea): pattern of spatial distribution. 60
Recruitment of Serpuloidea (Annelida: Polychaeta) in a marine cave of the Ionian Sea (Italy, central Mediterranean). 60
Sabellidae and Fabriciidae (Polychaeta) of the Adriatic Sea with particular retrospect to the Northern Adriatic and the description of two new species 60
Diversity and Distribution of Sabellida (Annelida) under Protection Regimes 58
Potenziali Applicazioni Biotecnologiche di alcune Macroalghe prelevate nel Mar Piccolo di Taranto 58
Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) as potential bioremediators in aquaculture. 57
Influence of Naineris laevigata (Polychaeta: Orbiniidae) on vertical grain size distribution, and dinoflagellate resting stages in the sediment 57
Regeneration and clonality in Metazoa. The price to pay for evolving complexity 55
An Integrated Monitoring Approach to the Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of an Inshore Mariculture Plant (Mar Grande of Taranto, Ionian Sea) 55
The genus Euchone (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) in the Mediterranean Sea, addition of two new species and discussion on some closely related taxa 53
Variability among Mediterranean populations of Sabella pavonina (Annelida: Sabellidae) 53
Sabellidae (Annelida) from the Faro coastal lake (Messina, Ionian Sea), with the first record of the invasive species Branchiomma bairdi along the Italian coast 53
Evidence of rigenerative ability in Myxicola infundibulum (Annelida, Sabellida): Evolutionary and systematic implication. 53
Vibrios biodiversity in seawater and Sabella spallanzanii from Mediterranean Sea (Ionian Sea, Italy) 52
Valutazione di impatto antropico acuto sul popolamento a policheti di substrato duro e risoluzione tassonomica 51
The filter-feeders polychaetes Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum as bioremediators of sewage polluted seawater 51
The genus Echinofabricia (Annelida: Fabriciidae) in the Mediterranean Sea with the description of E. rousei sp. nov. 51
Effects of offshore platforms on soft-bottom macro-benthic assemblages: a case study in a Mediterranean gas field 51
Rearing experiences of the polychaete Sabella spallanzanii in the Gulf of Taranto (Mediterranean Sea,Italy). 50
Filtration of the Microalga Amphidinium carterae by the Polychaetes Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum: A New Tool for the Control of Harmful Algal Blooms? 46
Managing the Marine Aquarium Trade: Revealing theData Gaps Using Ornamental Polychaetes 45
Morphological comparison of the rigeneration process in Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum (Annelida, Sabellida) 45
Regeneration as a novel method to culture marine ornamental sabellids 45
Shift in Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) spawning period in the Central Mediterranean Sea: a consequence of climate change? 44
Revision of Chone Krøyer, 1856 (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from the eastern central Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea with descriptions of two new species 44
Description of Chone usticensis sp. nov. (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean Sea 42
The genus Novafabricia Fitzhugh, 1990 (Polychaeta: Sabellidae: Fabriciinae) along the Italian coast (Mediterranean Sea) with a description of N. posidoniae n. sp 42
The genus Branchiomma (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) in the Mediterranean Sea, with the description of B. maerli n. sp 41
Revision of the species of Megalomma (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean Sea, with the description of M. messapicum n. sp 40
Diversity and Distribution Patterns of Hard Bottom Polychaete Assemblages in the North Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) 39
The Pandora’s box: Morphological diversity within the genus Amphiglena Claparède, 1864 (Sabellidae, Annelida) in the Mediterranean Sea, with description of nine new species 39
Reproduction and simultaneous hermaphroditism in Branchiomma luctuosum (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean Sea 38
Microplastic evidence and removal from the seaweed bioremediator Chaetomorpha linum 34
Evidence of regenerative ability in Myxicola infundibulum (Annelida, Sabellida): Evolutionary and systematic implications 28
null 28
Filtration of the Microalga Amphidinium carterae by the Polychaetes Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum: A New Tool for the Control of Harmful Algal Blooms? 27
Totale 5.889
Categoria #
all - tutte 39.637
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 39.637

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020238 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 19 30 80 2
2020/2021701 74 4 74 67 63 87 43 87 11 91 14 86
2021/2022381 9 5 20 20 69 9 6 25 10 30 54 124
2022/20232.246 96 157 98 75 82 159 12 116 1.388 10 35 18
2023/2024696 53 26 42 47 54 61 3 42 97 173 81 17
2024/2025641 22 19 30 30 117 358 30 35 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.889