7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles - IAV 2010, Lecce, 6-8 september 2010
2010-01-01 Indiveri, Giovanni; A., Pascoal; G., Burzio; R., Sgherri; Parlangeli, Gianfranco; Notarstefano, Giuseppe; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; G., Casalino; S., Quaranta
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the time-Dependent rural postman problem
2019-01-01 Calogiuri, Tobia; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Guerriero, Emanuela; Mansini, Renata
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the time-dependent travelling salesman problem
2018-01-01 Arigliano, Anna; Calogiuri, Tobia; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Guerriero, Emanuela
A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Undirected Rural Postman Problem
2000-01-01 Ghiani, Gianpaolo; G., Laporte
A Combined Procedure for Discrete Simulation-Optimization Problems based on the Simulated Annealing Framework
2006-01-01 Ghiani, Gianpaolo; P., Legato; R., Musmanno; F., Vocaturo
A Comparison of Anticipatory Algorithms for the Dynamic and Stochastic Traveling Salesman Problem
2012-01-01 Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Manni, Emanuele; Barrett W., Thomas
A composite tourism index for the competitiveness of marginal areas: a pilot application in a Southern Italy province
2022-01-01 Moretto, V.; Elia, G.; Ghiani, G.
A dispatching policy for the dynamic and stochastic pickup and delivery problem
2018-01-01 Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Manni, Emanuele; Romano, Alessandro
A Fix and Relax Heuristic for a Stochastic Lot-Sizing Problem
2006-01-01 Beraldi, P.; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Grieco, A.; Guerriero, Emanuela
A Fix and Relax heuristic for a stochastic Lot-Sizing problem
2006-01-01 Grieco, Antonio Domenico; Beraldi, P.; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Guerriero, Emanuela
A Heuristic for the Periodic Rural Postman Problem
2005-01-01 Ghiani, Gianpaolo; R., Musmanno; G., Paletta; Triki, Chefi
A knowledge visualization approach to identify and discovery inner areas: a pilot application in the province of Lecce
2021-01-01 Moretto, V.; Elia, G.; Schirinzi, S.; Vizzi, R.; Ghiani, G.
A Lagrangean Heuristic for the Plant Location Problem with Multiple Facilities in the Same Site
2002-01-01 Ghiani, Gianpaolo; L., Grandinetti; F., Guerriero; R., Musmanno
A learn-and-construct framework for general mixed-integer programming problems
2020-01-01 Adamo, T.; Ghiani, G.; Guerriero, E.; Manni, E.
A lower bound for the quickest path problem
2014-01-01 Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Guerriero, Emanuela
A Multi-modal Approach to the Location of a Rapid Transit Line
1998-01-01 G., Bruno; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; G., Improta
A multi-modal tourist trip planner integrating road and pedestrian networks
2024-01-01 Adamo, Tommaso; Colizzi, Lucio; Dimauro, Giovanni; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Guerriero, Emanuela
A New Constructive Heuristic for the Undirected Rural Postman Problem
2006-01-01 Ghiani, Gianpaolo; D., Lagana'; R., Musmanno
A Note on the Ichoua et al (2003) Travel Time Model.
2014-01-01 Guerriero, Emanuela; Ghiani, Gianpaolo
A review of recent advances in time-dependent vehicle routing
2024-01-01 Adamo, Tommaso; Gendreau, Michel; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Guerriero, Emanuela