CORIANO', Claudio
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.267
NA - Nord America 2.617
AS - Asia 750
AF - Africa 86
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 13
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 10.735
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.032
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.610
IE - Irlanda 2.479
SE - Svezia 701
UA - Ucraina 559
SG - Singapore 304
FI - Finlandia 240
CN - Cina 176
HK - Hong Kong 92
SN - Senegal 84
IN - India 79
GB - Regno Unito 59
JP - Giappone 50
DE - Germania 44
NL - Olanda 44
TR - Turchia 31
FR - Francia 24
RU - Federazione Russa 21
BE - Belgio 19
EU - Europa 13
KR - Corea 10
CH - Svizzera 8
PL - Polonia 8
RO - Romania 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
BG - Bulgaria 5
CA - Canada 5
HU - Ungheria 4
AT - Austria 3
LT - Lituania 3
EE - Estonia 2
HN - Honduras 2
HR - Croazia 2
BR - Brasile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EG - Egitto 1
ES - Italia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MY - Malesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 10.735
Città #
Lecce 2.909
Dublin 2.479
Chandler 489
Jacksonville 362
Singapore 220
Princeton 186
Des Moines 119
Santa Clara 87
Dakar 84
Helsinki 82
Wayanad 78
Central District 67
Kent 60
Wilmington 51
Ann Arbor 50
Tokyo 50
West Jordan 44
Ogden 43
Amsterdam 42
Ashburn 37
New York 37
Kocaeli 30
Boardman 29
Hong Kong 25
Jinan 24
Brussels 19
Brooklyn 16
Edinburgh 16
Shenyang 16
Taranto 15
Los Angeles 14
Nanjing 13
Grafing 11
Norwalk 11
Zhengzhou 9
Beijing 8
Warsaw 8
Bremen 7
Guangzhou 7
Hangzhou 7
Milan 7
Munich 7
Auburn Hills 6
Meda 6
Changsha 5
Copertino 5
Dhaka 5
Görwihl 5
Haikou 5
Nanchang 5
Sofia 5
Budapest 4
Hachenburg 4
Horia 4
Shenzhen 4
Southampton 4
Xiangfen 4
Atherstone 3
Bari 3
Florence 3
Gangi 3
Genoa 3
Kyiv 3
Lequile 3
London 3
Menlo Park 3
Ningbo 3
Saint Petersburg 3
Taiyuan 3
Woodbridge 3
Boston 2
Buffalo 2
Castrignano del Capo 2
Chicago 2
Cormeilles-en-Parisis 2
Dallas 2
Hebei 2
Jiaxing 2
Lanzhou 2
Lappeenranta 2
Las Vegas 2
Montreal 2
Noci 2
North Bergen 2
Redwood City 2
Rome 2
Salve 2
Tallinn 2
Tianjin 2
Verona 2
Vienna 2
Zagreb 2
Aradeo 1
Atlanta 1
Birmingham 1
Bologna 1
Bordeaux 1
Cairo 1
Cambridge 1
Charlotte 1
Totale 8.037
Nome #
From Planck Data to Planck Era: Observational Tests of Holographic Cosmology 104
On the scale variation of the total cross section for Higgs production at the LHC and at the Tevatron. 90
Z ′, Higgses and heavy neutrinos in U(1)′ models: from the LHC to the GUT scale 87
Phenomenology of minimal Z’ models: from the LHC to the GUT scale 84
Gravity and the neutral currents: Effective interactions from the trace anomaly 83
Mass corrections to flavor-changing fermion-graviton vertices in the standard model 83
Perspectives on a supersymmetric extension of the standard model with a Y = 0 Higgs triplet and a singlet at the LHC 82
. Proceedings, 9th International Workshop on QCD - Theory and Experiment (QCD@Work 2018) : Matera, Italia, June 25-28, 2018 81
A beyond the Standard Model journey via Renormalization Group methods 80
Axions and Anomaly-Mediated Interactions: The Green-Schwarz and Wess-Zumino Vertices at Higher Orders and g-2 of the muon. 79
Properties of the scale invariant O(g**4) Lipatov kernel. 78
The general 3-graviton vertex (TTT) of conformal field theories in momentum space in d = 4 78
A Novel string derived Z-prime with stable proton, light-neutrinos and R-parity violation. 76
The Spectrum of the O(g**4) scale invariant Lipatov kernel. 76
Cosmic ray signals from mini black holes in models with extra dimensions: an analytical/Monte Carlo study 76
Rapidity correlations and Delta G from prompt photon plus jet production in polarized p p collisions. 76
Dark Matter relic Densities in Stuckelberg Models 76
General analysis of the charged Higgs sector of theY=0triplet-singlet extension of the MSSM at the LHC 76
Leading twist amplitudes for exclusive neutrino interactions in the deeply virtual limit. 75
Aspetti dell’interazione radiazione-materia e applicazioni Relatore 75
Dark Matter relic densities in Stückelberg axion models 75
An x-space analysis of evolution equations: Soffer's inequality and the nonforward evolution. 74
Searching for Extra Z-prime from Strings and Other Models at the LHC with Leptoproduction. 74
Studies on Conformal and Superconformal Extensions of the Standard Model with an Application to Gravity 74
Conformal Trace Relations from the Dilaton Wess Zumino Action 73
Windows over a New Low Energy Axion 72
Solving the Conformal Constraints for Scalar Operators in Momentum Space and the Evaluation of Feynman's Master Integrals 72
The Electric charge of a Dirac monopole at nonzero temperature. 71
Search for Z′, vacuum (in)stability and hints of high-energy structures 71
Bilepton Signatures at the LHC 71
Stuckelberg axions and the effective action of anomalous Abelian models. 1. A Unitarity analysis of the Higgs-axion mixing. 70
The Three loop equation of state of QED at high temperature. 70
Hamiltonian and potentials in derivative pricing models: Exact results and lattice simulations. 70
New dark matter candidates motivated from superstring derived unification. 70
Analisi di correnti neutre in alcune estensioni del Modello Standard. Tesi di laurea specialistica di R. Armillis. 70
Italo Hellenic School of Physics 2005: The Physics of the Large Hadron ColliderPalazzo Giuseppe PalmieriMartignano, Grecìa Salentina (Lecce, Italy)June 9-14, 2005 70
Bounds on the conformal scale of a minimally coupled dilaton and multi-leptonic signatures at the LHC 70
Exclusive processes at intermediate-energy, quark - hadron duality and the transition to perturbative QCD. 69
Singularity Of Green's Function And Effective Action In Massive Yang-Mills Theories. 69
Aspetti Computazionali di Equazioni Differenziali di Interesse Fisico 69
Comments on anomaly cancellations by polesubtractions and ghost instabilities with gravity 69
Superconformal sum rules and the spectral density flow of the composite dilaton (ADD) multiplet in N = 1 theories 69
Proceedings, 8th International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics - Theory and Experiment (QCD@Work 2016) 69
Conformal ward identities and the coupling of qed and qcd to gravity 69
TTT in CFT: Trace identities and the conformal anomaly effective action 69
A Light Supersymmetric Axion in an Anomalous Abelian Extension of the Standard Model 68
The conformal anomaly and the neutral currents sector of the Standard Model 68
t channel unitarity construction of small x kernels. 67
NNLO logarithmic expansions and precise determinations of the neutral currents near the Z resonance at the LHC: the Drell-Yan case 67
Aspetti introduttivi della teoria di stringa classica e quantistica. 67
Anomalie in teorie di gauge ed estensioni abeliane del Modello Standard 67
Relic Densities of Gauged Axions and Supersymmetry 67
Neutrino and photon lensing by black holes: radiative lens equations and post-Newtonian contributions 67
Renormalization, conformal ward identities and the origin of a conformal anomaly pole 67
Cosmological properties of a gauged axion 66
The effective actions of pseudoscalar and scalar particlesin theories with gauge and conformal anomalies 66
Fermion scattering in a gravitational background: electroweak corrections and flavour transitions 66
The dilaton Wess–Zumino action in six dimensions from Weyl gauging: local anomalies and trace relations 66
Axions from intersecting branes and decoupled chiral fermions at the Large Hadron Collider 66
SU (3) p quiver theories with N = 0 for p = 8 and 9 66
On the effective theory of low scale orientifold string vacua. 65
Aspetti dell'integrale funzionale in Meccanica Quantistica 65
Higher Order Dilaton Interactions in the Nearly Conformal Limit of the Standard Model. 65
null 65
Exact Correlators from Conformal Ward Identities in Momentum Space and Perturbative Realizations 65
Exploring scalar and vector bileptons at the LHC in a 331 model 65
Nnlo logarithmic expansions and exact solutions of the DGLAP equations from x-space: New algorithms for precision studies at the lhc. 64
Gauge theory high-energy behavior from j plane unitarity. 64
Antiproton-proton scattering experiments with polarization. 64
QCD Studies at Hadron Colliders and in Deeply Virtual Neutrino Scattering. 64
Trace Anomaly, Massless Scalars and the Gravitational Coupling of QCD 64
Exact correlators from conformal Ward identities in momentum space and the perturbative TJJ vertex 64
Polarized and unpolarized double prompt photon production in next-to-leading order QCD. 63
Axion and Neutralinos from Supersymmetric Extensions of the Standard Model with anomalous U(1)'s. 63
null 63
Constraints on abelian extensions of the Standard Model from two-loop vacuum stability and U(1)B−L 63
Deeply virtual neutrino scattering (DVNS) 62
Dispersive methods and QCD sum rules for gamma gamma collisions. 62
QCD sum rules and Compton scattering. 62
Estensioni Supersimmetriche del Modello Standard e Meccanismo di Stuckelberg 62
QCD at hadron colliders and in Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. 62
Conformal Anomalies and the Gravitational Effective Action: The TJJ Correlator for a Dirac Fermion. 62
Antiproton Proton Scatterign Experiments with polarization 62
Stability constraints of the scalar potential in extensions of the Standard Model with TeV scale right handed neutrinos 62
Probing the hidden Higgs bosons of the Y = 0 triplet- and singlet-extended Supersymmetric Standard Model at the LHC 62
Gauged axions and their QCD interactions 62
Unitarity Bounds for Gauged Axionic Interactions and the Green-Schwarz Mechanism. 61
On The Use Of The Time Dependent Rayleigh-Ritz Equations For Heavy Ion Collisions. 61
Estensioni supersimmetriche delModello Standard e nuove correntineutre 61
Relic Densities of Dark Matter in the U(1)-Extended NMSSM and the Gauged Axion Supermultiplet. 61
Effective actions in theories with gauge and conformal anomalies 61
Vacuum stability in U(1)-prime extensions of the Standard Model withTeV scale right handed neutrinos 61
X-events and their interpretation 61
Higgs bosons: discovered and hidden, in extended supersymmetric standard models at the LHC 61
An Anomalous Extra Z Prime from Intersecting Branes with Drell-Yan and Direct Photons at the LHC 60
One loop standard model corrections to flavor diagonal fermion-graviton vertices 60
Anomalous gravitational TTT vertex, temperature inhomogeneity, and pressure anisotropy 60
Electrodynamics in the presence of an axion. 59
QCD evolution equations: Numerical algorithms from the Laguerre expansion. 59
Totale 6.881
Categoria #
all - tutte 61.775
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 61.775

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.235 0 0 0 0 0 440 211 275 42 85 180 2
2020/20211.559 178 0 190 178 116 184 7 189 14 278 43 182
2021/2022772 17 8 61 107 135 15 11 58 18 8 105 229
2022/20234.375 213 249 133 138 200 342 27 214 2.666 14 118 61
2023/2024760 83 25 38 27 21 37 17 76 97 141 163 35
2024/2025602 87 31 80 57 347 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.947