Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.852
NA - Nord America 2.377
AS - Asia 629
AF - Africa 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
OC - Oceania 3
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 8.884
Nazione #
IT - Italia 2.684
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.364
IE - Irlanda 1.965
SE - Svezia 499
UA - Ucraina 410
SG - Singapore 227
IN - India 171
FI - Finlandia 147
CN - Cina 130
HK - Hong Kong 69
DE - Germania 30
BE - Belgio 26
GB - Regno Unito 25
FR - Francia 24
CA - Canada 11
SN - Senegal 11
KR - Corea 10
JP - Giappone 9
EU - Europa 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
ES - Italia 6
RO - Romania 5
RU - Federazione Russa 5
AU - Australia 3
DK - Danimarca 3
NL - Olanda 3
PL - Polonia 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
EE - Estonia 2
GR - Grecia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
IR - Iran 2
MY - Malesia 2
PA - Panama 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AT - Austria 1
BR - Brasile 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LB - Libano 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PH - Filippine 1
TR - Turchia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 8.884
Città #
Lecce 2.524
Dublin 1.965
Chandler 387
Jacksonville 276
Wayanad 167
Singapore 152
Princeton 143
Des Moines 93
Ann Arbor 77
Ashburn 70
Wilmington 58
Central District 49
New York 41
Ogden 33
West Jordan 33
Boardman 29
Kent 29
Helsinki 28
Brussels 26
Hong Kong 20
Los Angeles 20
Rome 17
Lequile 16
Monopoli 14
Norwalk 13
Munich 12
Beijing 11
Dakar 11
Dallas 11
Brooklyn 9
Tokyo 9
Jinan 8
Milan 7
Shenyang 7
Hebei 6
Madrid 6
Tianjin 6
Copertino 5
Guangzhou 5
Lappeenranta 5
London 5
Nanjing 5
Santa Clara 5
Shanghai 5
Toronto 5
Bremen 4
Brno 4
Hangzhou 4
Paris 4
Parma 4
San Mateo 4
St Louis 4
Amsterdam 3
Atlanta 3
Changsha 3
Chicago 3
Cluj-Napoca 3
Copenhagen 3
Edinburgh 3
Haikou 3
Houston 3
Leinì 3
Manchester 3
Montreal 3
Ottawa 3
Stockholm 3
Sydney 3
Tappahannock 3
Treviso 3
Auburn Hills 2
Bandung 2
Berlin 2
Cedar Knolls 2
Collecchio 2
Corato 2
East London 2
Escolca 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Genoa 2
Giovinazzo 2
Hyderabad 2
Jiaxing 2
Kashan 2
Leawood 2
Mascalucia 2
Matera 2
Modugno 2
Nanchang 2
Ningbo 2
Noicattaro 2
Padova 2
Panama City 2
Perugia 2
Prague 2
Salento 2
San Jose 2
Sofia 2
Taiyuan 2
Tallinn 2
Timișoara 2
Totale 6.564
Nome #
New tools to model and evaluate binding affinity in aptamer-protein complexes 148
Nuove frontiere nello studio della materia vivente: dalle opsine agli attameri. 130
Il sapere si accresce se condiviso... dalla batteriorodopsina agli attameri 125
A validation strategy for in silico generated aptamers 104
All the colors of noise 99
Energia elettrica dai batteri: generazione di fotocorrenti mediante proteine microbiche purificate 99
Proteotronics: a toolkit for bioelectronics 99
A single protein based nanobiosensor for odorant recognition 94
A Biological-based Photo Electrochemical Cell: Modelling the Impedance Spectra 89
Assessing the Quality of in Silico Produced Biomolecules: The Discovery of a New Conformer 89
Itinerario Rosa, Tavola Rotonda sul tema «Quando la tecnologia imita la natura: anche fra macchina e corpo l’integrazione nasce dal dialogo» I progressi della biosensoristica applicata alla medicina. 88
A Network Model to Correlate Conformational Change and Impedance Spectrum of Single Proteins 86
Model of the electrical response of anti-thrombin TBA aptamer in bio-sensing applications 86
Probing Complexity with Epidemics: A New Reactive Immunization Strategy 85
1/f Noise and Long-term Correlations in Multi-Species Resistor Networks 83
Modelling and Development of Electrical Aptasensors: A Short Review 83
Integrable non-linear field equations and loop algebra structure 82
Symmetry properties and exact patterns in birefringent optical fibers 81
Modeling the microscopic electrical properties of thrombin binding aptamer (TBA) for label-free biosensors 81
A class of nonlinear wave equations containing the continuous Toda case 80
Squeezed Neutrino Oscillations 80
1/f Noise in the Steady State of Random Resistor Networks 79
A novel Detection Strategy for Odorant Molecules Based on Controlled Bioengineering of Rat Olfactory Receptor I7 79
A comparative study of the electrical properties of rat I7 and human17-40 olfactory receptors for the realization of a nanobiosensor 78
A Network of Networks to Reproduce the Electrical Features of an Aptamer-ligand Complex : What an Electrical Network Tells about Affinity 78
1/f Noise inthe Steady State of Random Resistor Networks 77
Itinerario Rosa. Tavola Rotonda dal titolo:Quando la tecnologia imita la natura: anche fra macchina e corpo l’integrazione nasce dal dialogo» I progressi della biosensoristica applicata alla medicina 77
Editore responsabile (Chief) per la sezione Chemical Sensing Modeling di Chemosensors 76
The Puzzling of Zero-Point Energy Contribution to Black-Body Radiation Spectrum: The Role of Casimir Force 76
Development of an artificial nose integrating NEMS and biological olfactory receptors 76
An evolutionary game model for behavioral gambit of loyalists: Global awareness and risk-aversion 76
Stationary Regime of Random Resistor Networks Under Biased Percolation 75
Multi-scale Modeling for Devices and Circuits 75
Critical behavior in a stochastic model of vector mediated epidemics 75
Algebraic properties of the 1+1 dimensional Heisenberg spin field model 74
Algebraic and Geometrical Properties of Integrable Nonliner Field Equations 74
Advances in the Production, Immobilization and Electrical Characterization of Olfactory Receptors for Olfactory Nanobiosensor Development 73
Focus on In Silico Aptamer Synthesis New Food for Thought 73
Properties of Equations of the Continuous Toda Type 72
, Steady State of Random Reistor Networks under Biased Percolation: a Framework for Noise in Disordered Media ? 72
Tips for a (simple) interpretation of the impedance response of an electrochemical cell 72
Unsolved Problems on Noise and Fluctuations: Upon2005, AIP Conference Proceedings , 800 (2005) 71
A Nanobiosensor Based on Olfactory Receptors 69
A complex network model for the study of electrical properties of G-coupled protein receptors 69
Ist International Symposium: Bioinspired Smell Nanobiosensors, Conference and Expo 69
Large N expansion of Wilson loops in the Gross–Witten–Wadia matrix model 68
Current Voltage Characteristics and Excess Noise at the Trap Filling Transition in Polyacenes 68
Stationary regime of random resistor networks under biased percolation 67
4-th International Conference on Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology anf High Technology, (UPoN - 2005) 67
Linear and nonlinear regime of a random resistor network under biased percolation 66
Topological change and impedance spectrum of rat olfactory I7: A comparative analysis with bovine rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin 66
Charge transport and current fluctuations in bacteriorhodopsin based nanodevices 66
Reactive immunization on complex networks 66
Resistance and Resistance Fluctuations in Random Resistor Networks Under Biased Percolation 65
Monte Carlo simulation of electromigration phenomena in metallic lines 65
Charge transport in purple membrane monolayers:A sequential tunneling approach 65
Olfactory receptors for a smell sensor: A comparative study of the electrical responses of rat I7 and human 17-40 65
Non-Gaussian fluctuations in opsins. 65
Towards the Realization of Nanobiosensors based on G Protein-Coupled Receptors 64
The role of topology in electrical properties of bR and rat-olfactory receptor 64
Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem and Electrical Noise Revisited 64
Quantum models related to fouled Hamiltonians of the harmonic oscillator 63
Non-Gaussian Fluctuations in Biased Resistor Networks: Size Effects versus Universal Behavior. 63
Proteotronics: Electronic Devices Based on Proteins 63
The Symmetry structure of the heavenly equation 62
Human olfactory receptor 17-40 as an active part of nanobiosensor: a microscopic investigation of its electrical properties 62
Microscopic investigation of electrical transport in biological materials 62
All the colors of noise -Essays in honor of Lino Reggiani 62
null 62
Il naso nel taschino 62
Investigations on the electrical current-voltage response in protein light receptors 62
Hierarchy and assortativity as new tools for binding-affinity investigation: the case of the TBA aptamer-ligand complex 62
The Bessel equation and dissipation 61
Group analysis of a system of equations for birefringent optical fibers 61
Time-reversal and the Bessel equation 61
Nanodevices Based on Proteins: the Emerging Science of Proteotronics 61
The dual property of number and velocity fluctuations of charge carriers in a macroscopic conductor under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions (Article) [Krūvininkų skaičiaus ir greičio fliuktuacijų dualumas makroskopiniame laidininke termodinaminės pusiausvyros sąlygomis] 61
Two extended versions of the 2D-Heisenberg model 60
Canonical Quantization and Expanding Metrics 60
Equations of the reaction-diffusion type with a loop-algebra structure 60
Nonlinear Physics. Theory and Experiments 60
Photoreceptors for a light biotransducer:... 60
Mechanisms responsible for the photocurrent in bacteriorhodopsin 60
Fisica ed epidemiologia: nuovi metodi per nuove emergenze 60
Vacuum structure for expanding geometry 58
PROTEOTRONICS: The emerging science of protein-based electronic devices 58
In-silico studies of Macromolecules as Sensors 56
Neutrino mixing and oscillations in quantum field theory 56
Aptamers Which Target Proteins: What Proteotronics Suggests to Pharmaceutics 56
The dual property of number and velocity fluctuations of charge carriers in a macroscopic conductor under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions 55
Current-voltage characteristics of seven-helix proteins from a cubic array of amino acids 55
The dissipative quantum model of brain: how does memory localize in correlated neuronal domains 54
Biased resistor network model for electromigration failure and related phenomena in metallic lines 54
Modeling current-voltage charateristics of proteorhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin: towards an optoelectronics based on proteins 54
Formation and life-time of memory domains in the dissipative quantum model of brain 53
Monte Carlo simulation of electromigration phenomena in metallic lines 53
Proteotronics: Development of Protein-Based Electronics 53
The symmetry structure oh the heavenly equation 52
Gumbel distribution and current fluctuations in critical systems 52
Totale 7.142
Categoria #
all - tutte 55.560
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 55.560

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.008 0 0 0 0 0 364 141 218 43 71 165 6
2020/20211.142 147 3 146 141 54 139 7 155 32 145 33 140
2021/2022533 12 6 32 18 92 17 22 43 13 13 77 188
2022/20233.425 190 152 114 97 188 215 54 129 2.120 17 84 65
2023/2024962 90 61 57 57 87 51 54 45 88 223 122 27
2024/2025406 34 47 72 38 172 43 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.040