Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 56
EU - Europa 29
NA - Nord America 12
Totale 97
Nazione #
CN - Cina 24
SG - Singapore 24
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12
DE - Germania 11
IT - Italia 9
HK - Hong Kong 8
FR - Francia 3
AT - Austria 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
ES - Italia 1
FI - Finlandia 1
Totale 97
Città #
Singapore 16
Shanghai 15
Hong Kong 8
Munich 8
Wuxi 4
San Cesareo 3
Secaucus 3
Copertino 2
Nanjing 2
San Francisco 2
Shenzhen 2
Ashburn 1
Cardiff 1
Corbetta 1
Helsinki 1
London 1
Los Angeles 1
Nuremberg 1
Rockville 1
Salt Lake City 1
Santa Clara 1
Vienna 1
Totale 76
Nome #
Quasi-option value under ambiguity 15
The world trade network: country centrality and the COVID-19 pandemic 11
Choices under ambiguity with familiar and unfamiliar outcomes 9
Agrivoltaico: driver dello sviluppo locale e della transizione energetica 8
The Asymmetric Relationship between Conventional/Shale Rig Counts and WTI Oil Prices 8
Are transaction taxes a cause of financial instability? 8
The Option Value of the UK 3G Telecom Licences: Was Too Much Paid? 8
A Rational Explanation for the Redistribution Paradox. Theory and Empirical Evidence 7
Has the EU-ETS Financed the Energy Transition of the Italian Power System? 7
Pricing reliability options under different electricity price regimes 7
Investing in electricity production under a reliability options scheme 6
Precautionary principle as a rule of choice with optimism on windfall gains and pessimism on catastrophic losses 6
The systemic risk of US oil and natural gas companies 6
The impact of the introduction of nuclear power on electricity prices in a power exchange-based liberalised market 6
The wealth of nations and the first wave of COVID-19 diffusion 6
Does energy price affect energy efficiency? Cross-country panel evidence 6
Integration of regional electricity markets in Australia: A price convergence assessment 5
Assessing the relationship between air Quality,Wealth, and the First Wave of COVID-19 Diffusion and Mortality 5
The long-run relationship between the Italian day-ahead and balancing electricity prices 5
Does energy price affect energy efficiency? Cross-country panel evidence 5
Collective reputation with stochastic production and unknown willingness to pay for quality 5
The European Union Emission Trading System and technological change: The case of the Italian pulp and paper industry 5
Auctioning Wind Power Sites when Environmental Quality Matters 5
Evaluation of the remaining hydro potential in Italy 5
The Role of Ambiguity in the Evaluation of the Net Benefits of the MOSE System in the Venice Lagoon 5
The Zonal and Seasonal CO2 Marginal Emissions Factors for the Italian Power Market 4
The value of carbon emission reduction induced by Renewable Energy Sources in the Italian power market 4
A Multidimensional Analysis of the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firms' Economic Performance 4
An application of the Precautionary Principle under ambiguity: the impact of the MOSE system on harbour activity in the Venice Lagoon 4
Ambiguity and Portfolio Inertia 3
The relationship between day-ahead and future prices in electricity markets: An empirical analysis on Italy, France, Germany, and Switzerland 3
A Firms-Government Coordination Game under Strategic Uncertainty 3
The participation of small-scale variable distributed renewable energy sources to the balancing services market 3
Biofuel from Jatropha curcas: Environmental sustainability and option value 3
The energy transition and the value of Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms 3
The energy conservation supply curve from investments in energy savings in the existing Italian buildings 2
Un modello di comportamento ottimale per un'impresa socialmente responsabile 2
A Non-Expected Glance at Markets: Financial Models and Knightian Uncertainty 2
The Role of Ambiguity in the Evaluation of the Net Benefits of the MOSE System in the Venice Lagoon 2
Constitutional Constraints under Ambiguity: a Game-Theoretic Approach 2
Ambiguity in Citizens-Politicians Interactions 2
Choices Under Risk and Uncertainty with Windfall Gains and Catastrophic Losses 2
Auctioning Wind Power Sites when Environmental Quality Matters 2
Disuguaglianza, Pace e Struttura Istituzionale: un confronto tra paesi sviluppati e paesi in via di sviluppo 2
The Italian capacity remuneration mechanism: Critical review and open questions 2
Voting on the tax rate when attitude to risk depends on skill heterogeneity 2
Testing persistence of WTI and brent long-run relationship after the shale oil supply shock 2
Probability and uncertainty: the legacy of Georgescu-Roegen 2
Economics of Electricity: Markets, Competition and Rules 2
The impact of the new investments in combined cycle gas turbine power plants on the Italian electricity price 1
Does a Soaring Unemployment Risk Affect the Median Voter's Choice on the Tax Rate? 1
The "Ultra-Subjective" Shackle's Approach to the Decision Making Problem Under Ambiguity 1
Recensione di: Una politica a tutto gas. Sicurezza energetica europea e relazioni internazionali 1
The Value of Protecting Venice from the Acqua Alta Phenomenon under Different Local Sea Level Rises 1
Assessment of electricity generation adequacy in European countries 1
No Trade in Financial Markets With Uncertainty 1
Endogenous equilibria in liquid markets with frictions and boundedly rational agents 1
The Value of Protecting Venice from the Acqua Alta Phenomenon under Different Local Sea Level Rises 1
Shackle's Ultra-Subjective Approach to the Decision-Making Problem under Uncertainty 1
D.Leg.152/2006. Un' analisi critica (non ideologica) e alcuni spunti per la discussione degli aspetti economici 1
Electricity Markets and Energy Policy 1
Biofuel from Jatrofa Curcas: environmental sustainability and option value 1
Evaluation of the Residual Potential Hydropower Production in Italy 1
Voting on the tax rate when attitude to risk depends on skill heterogeneity 1
Sull'Economia della Reciprocità: un Approccio di Tipo Interpersonale 1
Analisi delle Gare di Concessione per l'aggiudicazione del Servizio di Distribuzione del Gas Naturale 1
Investments in Quality, Collective Reputation and Information Acquisition 1
Energy 1
The long-run oil–natural gas price relationship and the shale gas revolution 1
Liberi di Scegliere? Mercati e regole nei settori dell'Energia 1
Cost Efficiency and Returns to Scope in Italian Investment Firms 1
The Italian Electricity Prices in year 2025: an Agent-BasedSimulation 1
Sull'Economia del Settore “Non-Profit”: un Modello di Produzione e Cessione di Beni Secondo i Principi di Reciprocità e Corrispondenza 1
Cost Efficiency of Italian Investment Firms 1
Public Efficiency and Constitutional Constraints: a Contribution Towards an Extended "Leviathan" Model 1
Investing in CCGT Power Plants: Consequences for Italian Electricity Price 1
Questo libro non parla (solo) di sesso. La saggezza non convenzionale delle scienze economiche 1
Damages Evaluation, Periodic Floods, and Local Sea Level Rise: The Case of Venice, Italy 1
Recommendations for the assessment of electricity generation adequacy 1
La ricerca scientifica e tecnologica in Toscana 1
Probability and Uncertainty: the Legacy of Georgescu-Roegen 1
Totale 270
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.223
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 2.223

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025270 0 0 0 110 103 57 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 270